Literary Titan Interview: The Soul Seeker Collection

January 1, 2023

Literary Titan asked me questions about Embolden. Read more of, “The Soul Seeker Collection.

Embolden is a collection of poetry written to help readers understand how the universe communicates with us. Why was this an important collection for you to write?

Embolden is the last book in the Soul-Seeker Collection, which followed my journey of self-discovery. Book 1 was Embody, and it was about connecting within. Book 2 was Embrace, and it was about connecting with the cycles of life. Book 3 is Embolden, and it is about my connection to everything that is and with the universe. It was important for me to write Embolden because I wanted to showcase that we are all connected, that nothing occurs at random, and that we’re all in this game of life together. The more we see that we’re part of something bigger, the less alone we feel. It helps us see that there is a purpose for us.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

I divided the book into five sections. The number five is all about change and transformation, and because this was the culmination of my own personal journey of transformation, it was important for me to use that as a theme. The five sections are 1) objects and places, 2) nature, 3) numbers, 4) practices and beliefs, and 5) symbols. These are all themes that I relate to and where I find signs and significance, feeling as if the universe is communicating with me. I hope that through my poems, others will find the same.

What were some goals you set for yourself as a writer in this book?

When I write poetry I follow my inspiration. I normally write poems only when I feel called to do so, and it was important for me to transmit some of this through my poetry. I didn’t see the themes until I had completed the collection and this is a way to honor that I was in flow when writing this collection. It really came from my soul, and it makes sense since the universe speaks to us in many ways, but the most important is through our soul.

Will there be a fourth book in the Soul Seeker Collection? If so, can you share what ideas it will cover and when it will be available?

There are only three books in the Soul Seeker Collection, and Embolden was the last one. I am working on a new collection of poems that will be called Journeys. It is about my experiences, perspectives, and lessons as I have traveled, healed, searched for a home, gone through change and transformation, endeavored to find self-love, and so much more. The first book in the collection should, hopefully, be released in 2023.

An exploration of how the universe communicates with us, the subtle signs and symbols it sends our way to contribute to the meaning and flow of our lives, and help us connect with our oneness.

Book 3 of the hit Sonee Singh Soul Seeker collection.


Red Headed Book Lover Reviewed Embody


The Avid Reader Blog: “Interview with Sonee Singh”