Literary Titan Interview: “The Soul-Seeker Collection Part 2”

March 3, 2023

Literary Titan asked me questions about Embrace. Read more of, “The Soul Seeker Collection, Part 2.

Embrace is the next book in your poetry collection and is based on the mantra of the eastern part of the world’s take on spirituality and exploring gratitude. Why was this an important collection to write? 

Embrace is part of a three-book collection of poetry called the Soul-Seeker Collection. All three books showcased an evolution of my personal process of awakening. Book one, Embody, was about getting to know myself at a physical, emotional, and spiritual level. Book two, Embrace, was about me accepting myself for who I am, understanding that the only permanence is change. Thus, Embrace is about cycles, ebbs and flows, and our evolving lives. Finally, Embolden, Book three in the collection, was about understanding that we’re connected to one another and to the universe. Poetry is a form of self-expression and self-discovery, and it was important for me to share this in hopes that others will experience a similar journey.

What was one of the hardest parts of Embrace for you to write?

When I was writing the poems for Embrace, I still hadn’t accepted that I was a poet. I hadn’t endeavored to write poetry, always considering myself a novelist. Poetry came to me, all of a sudden, in the midst of the recent lockdowns. The hardest part for me, ironically, was embracing that I was a poet and thus allowing the free flow of creativity to take shape while writing Embrace.

What experience in your life has had the biggest impact on your writing?

My health. I feel that our bodies speak to us, and they have a deeper message of healing, if we are willing to listen. Yes, we suffer through ailments and illnesses, but these are usually tied to our spiritual and emotional selves, and thus, when we go through something physical, there is an emotional and spiritual experience. I have written about my healing journey in a lot of my poetry.

What will the next book in that series be about and when will it be published?

The third and final book in the Soul-Seeker Collection, Embolden, was published in May, 2022. It was about our connection with all that is around us. I am working on another poetry series called “Journeys.” The first book should be published later this year. This series will be about how we evolve through different aspects of our lives.


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